Uganda Holidays


The Consulate observes all Public Holidays gazetted and observed in both Uganda and China. The following are the Holidays gazetted for 2023 and the Consulate will therefore be closed on these days:


Uganda Holidays

1 January, 2023                      -        New Year’s Day

26 January, 2023                     -        NRM Liberation Day

16 February, 2023                   -        Janan Luwum Day

8 March, 2023                         -        International Women’s Day

7 April, 2023                           -        Good Friday

10 April, 2023                         -        Easter Monday

*21/22April, 2023                  -        Idd el-Fitr (End of Ramadhan)

1 May, 2023                            -        International Labour Day

3 June, 2023                           -        Martyrs Day

9 June, 2023                           -        Heroes’ Day

*28 June, 2023                        -        Idd Al-Adha

9 October, 2023                       -        Independence Day

25 December, 2023                  -        Christmas Day

26 December, 2023                  -        Boxing Day



* Subject to sighting of the moon and confirmation by Uganda Muslim Supreme Council